Pro Younger Dryas Impact Papers

Jim Teller, professor of geological sciences at the University of Manitoba on the shore of Lake Lindero in Winnipeg April 29 2004.

James T. Teller

The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis achieved its first publishing “Three-Peet” of supportive papers this month. It started with the Thackeray paper the first week, then came the Moore paper in week two, and now at the end of October comes Teller to make it three blockbusters in a single month.

The Teller paper is particularly notable because this is lead author James T. Teller’s first appearance as YDIH co-author, and Teller is a widely admired and long-time authority on the the massive ice age lakes of Canada and the Younger Dryas. Also joining as a co-author is Teller’s peer and frequent YDIH co-author Jim Kennett, which certainly must have gratifying to Dr. Kennett.

Teller is a superb example of an independent expert introduced to a stupefying and highly controversial hypothesis who appears to have embraced science, instead of defending his academic and intellectual turf, like so many others have.

When paired with the completely unexpected publication from Thackeray, this month shows there is plenty of room on the YDIH intellectual train, and everyone is welcome.

Black Mat

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