New York Times mainstreams Martin Sweatman and Gobekli Tepe as a Time Stamp For Younger Dryas Impact
Ancient Calendar, Recently Discovered, May Document a Long-Ago Disaster, NYT, August 12, 2024
This is an incredibly important article considering the sweep of media coverage in the 18 years since the Comet Research Group and the Tusk first published the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The YDI is positioned in the article as reasonable…
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Cosmic Summit 2023 speaker and longtime Tusk buddy Dr. Martin Sweatman has published yet another gem of global interest.
The Independent: ‘World’s oldest calendar’ found carved onto ancient monument
University of Edinburgh: Ancient carvings in Turkey could be earliest solar calendar
Sci News: Gobekli Tepe’s Carvings World’s Oldest Solar Calendar
MSN: Edinburgh University discover…
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Comet Research Group member and PhD Candidate Marc Young, of Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, has made a mammoth 50,000+ word contribution to the YDIH literature.
The article analyses the history of the YDIH, including arguments for and against it, how the hypothesis has evolved over time, and the current state of the debate. It offers the deepest analysis of several key issues yet…
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The Comet Strike Theory That Just Won’t Die
Reporters, too, are complicit. “The failure to properly report evidence for the Younger Dryas Impact will one day be understood as the worst intellectual crime in the history of science journalism,” writes the Comet Research Group member George Howard, who describes himself as an “avocational expert” and “noncredentialed scientist,”…
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I emailed an inquiry to Hermine Landt-Wilman of Durham University, and Chair of the Organizing Committee for the Astrobiology Conference that rudely canceled Chandra Wickramasinghe’s Public Lecture in April. I introduced the affair in a post here. I will post any further correspondence from or with Durham University or Landt-Wilman below as it is received. I also intend to send another…
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Tusk buddy Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe was gleefully invited by Durham University to give an evening lecture this April on the origin of life. And was cancelled today without courtesy or explanation. Queen Elizabeth II thought well enough of Chandra to appoint him, the year she died, to be a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).
Read the invitation and cancellation below for…
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Nature link
The different age components are used to evaluate the age of each sample. Other information, such as stratigraphy and artifacts, are used to select components most likely to represent the depositional age. We also have well-dated YDB microspherule and platinum peaks at more than 40 sites across 5 continents that, when present, provide useful chronostratigraphic anchors for selecting…
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