Pro Younger Dryas Impact Papers

Scientific Reports: Melted platinum found in Florida swamp marks Younger Dryas cataclysm; Temps reached >3214­°F

Nature link

The different age components are used to evaluate the age of each sample. Other information, such as stratigraphy and artifacts, are used to select components most likely to represent the depositional age. We also have well-dated YDB microspherule and platinum peaks at more than 40 sites across 5 continents that, when present, provide useful chronostratigraphic anchors for selecting OSL age components (e.g., Wittke et al.14; Moore et al.5,6). The ages can thus be constrained by artifacts, stratigraphy, and the platinum and microspherule peaks. This evidence converges to produce a useful chronology. ~Moore et al. 2023


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