PodcastPopular PressYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

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The Tusk recalls keeping the YDIE a secret in 2006 and 2007, so as not to threaten the publication of what became the seminal paper in 2007. Today the secret is most assuredly OUT.

Hundreds of hours of podcasts, videos, and plain old lectures are spilling forth from people all over the globe who are fascinated by the profoundly important and increasingly mainstream discovery.

In no particular order, here are some recent jewels:

Kosmographia, The Randall Carlson Podcast, is simply brilliant. On paper, the podcast follows the same enlightening but tedious approach as Martin Sweatman, going through the published papers one-by-one and discussing their relative merits and contributions. But rather than grueling a solo trek, Randall is joined by an intellectual entourage of veteran pod snakes, Russ and Kyle Allen; his longtime sidekick and fellow traveler, Mr. Bradley Young; and Silent Mike, a man of few but valuable words.

I’ve posted one recent show above, but make sure to check out dozens more in the series. See also Randall’s brand new website. He keeps getting better.


This weekend a YDIE fan on Twitter posted a brand new, old fashioned lecture from an old fashioned scientist — way ahead of his time. James Lawrence Powell, who recently authored a don’t miss book on nothing but the Younger Dryas Impact, walks us through the whole story here in an authoritative manner befitting a two time college president.

In true Tusk fashion, Powell reveals in horrifying detail the willful ignorance and anti-science tactics employed by the most persistent critics. Todd Surovell and many others will cringe at the indictment from this prosecutor. But more importantly, he speaks to the clear progress of the science, and explains it very well in a short time.


Finally, podcast powerhouse Wondery has produced a superb mainstream series, “The Tides of History.” Since late summer, “Tides” has engaged it’s audience in a multipart, detailed overview of the science behind — and consequence of — the Younger Dryas climate crash. This is the kind of show that would have disappointed the Tusk a just few years ago, by waving off the impact hypothesis. Not this year, the host, Dr. Patrick Wyman of USC, gives the YDIE a thumbs-up and includes the theory in this segment beginning above at 20 mins 50 secs.


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