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Random Tusks

Fireball spewing Comet Schwassman-Wachmann returning in 2011

The revelation that Schwassmann-Wachmann (hereafter SW3) left a cosmic calling card during it’s last pass is significant.  The comet returns every 5.4 years.  The next pass should be around November 2011. Some time around then we could expect another cometary shower.  The intensity of the encounter would seem to be a function of the degree of fragmentation of SW3, which has been…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Australian Comet to Fireball paper here

A diagram of the ‘northern’ fireball drawn by graphic designer, David Sawell of Burpengary(about 7 km south of Caboolture) who saw the fireball travelling in a northwest direction. The characterof this fireball seems to be different from the western and southern fireballs. Green Fireballs and Ball Lightning Click here for full paper and other info Hughes, Stephen W. (2010) Green fireballs…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Comet Schwassmann–Wachmann spawned Australian Fireballs in 2006

Green fireballs that streaked across the sky and rolled down an Australian mountainside four years ago, spurring reports of UFOs in the area, might have been meteors and ball lightning, a researcher suggests. At least three traffic-light green fireballs brighter than the moon but not as bright as the sun blazed over northeast Australia on May 16, 2006. A farmer saw one with a blue tapering tail…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

The Great Horned Serpent Native American Lore Chippewa From Maine and Nova Scotia to the Rocky Mountains, Indians told stories about the Great Serpent. More than a century ago the serpent was considered to be “a genuine spirit of evil.” Some version of the story of the Great Flood of long ago, as recounted here, is told around the world. Nanabozho (Nuna-bozo, accented on bozo) was the…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Judacallah Rock

There’s been a lot of interesting chatter on the Tusk lately about cosmically inspired aboriginal Rock Art.  The strange etchings and scratchings on rocks around the world have long caused speculation that at least some portion of the art is inspired from above, the question is how much, what exactly did they see, and when did they see it.  For instance,Pierson Bieretto over at Cosmopier…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

New Carolina Bay visualization tool from Perigee Zero

Wow.  Michael Davias at Perigee Zero keeps stripping the hide off the ball for Carolina Bays. He has investigated, identified and, most importantly — visualized and shared — some extraordinary info on the range and character of bays in the Southeast and Midwest. The screenshot below only scratches the surface of what Mike has put out there for all of us. See the full data in a Google…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

RIP: Brian G. Marsden 1937 - 2010

CCNet Extra- 19 November 2010 Brian G. Marsden, Eminent Astronomer, Dies This might be off-topic on some of the lists to which I am a member of . . . but it is a very sad piece of news that everyone in the astronomical community should be made aware of. Brian was a good friend . . . a brilliant man . . . and one of the nicest people in the astronomical community. As those of the Jewish faith would…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question