Con Younger Dryas Impact PapersPro Younger Dryas Impact Papers

A concise but comprehensive bibliography of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

Permanent home of the Bib and Archive

Long on the list of goals here at the Tusk is to host the world’s most concise, attractive, accessible and informative bibliography of our favorite subject. A baby step in that direction is submitted below for your perusal, download and propagation.

With the help of Marc Young, here is a list of what we believe is the best selection of journal articles and conference presentations significant to the debate concerning the interpretation or presence of the core evidence for the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis.

Keep in mind this effort called for editorial culling of papers citing the hypothesis — more than 450 for the original paper alone — which are whittled here to a core group — 150 papers today — that are opinionated or particularly relevant.

I have embedded an .xlxs table in a stand-alone page here, which will be improved in the near term with proper citations, a slick interface to actual papers (much like here), and permanent links in the drop-down sections of the Cosmic Tusk.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to a new friend of the Tusk, Marc Young, an Australian archaeology student. Marc compiled, sifted and coded the information below, and has forthcoming contributions.

Update: The bib will updated soon, and more prominently featured beginning November 2019. 10/18/19 


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