Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse
by Bob Kobres
Original page here
An earlier version of this article, without some of the illustrations, was published by the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies in the CHRONOLOGY AND CATASTROPHISM WORKSHOP 1992, number 1, pp.6-10, ISSN 0951-5984. This version is under GFDL
. . . and from heaven a great star shall fall on the dread ocean and burn up the deep…
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Comets are believed by some experts to have wiped out megafauna species
SEPTEMBER 11, 2010
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The normally peaceable world of geology is currently alive with a fiery debate over the theory that deadly space rocks slammed into Northern Canada about 13,000 years ago, triggering a mini-Ice Age and the eventual extinction of the woolly mammoth and a host of other…
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Scientists Brave Icy Environment to Find Evidence of Cosmic Cataclysm
By Nader Heidari
Published on September 16, 2010
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YDB team member James Kennett views the extraction of diamond-rich ice from the Greenland ice sheet
The 21-person team, which included UCSB professor emeritus James Kennett and his son, University of Oregon geology professor Douglas Kennett, recently published a paper in…
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Scientists discover nanodiamonds in Greenland ice
September 8th, 2010 in Space & Earth / Earth Sciences
( — University of Maine volcanologist Andrei Kurbatov and glaciologist Paul Mayewski, along with 21 other scientists, coauthored a scientific paper released late last month that details the discovery of a layer of nanodiamonds in the Greenland ice sheet, which has added to…
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Press Release: Daulton, Pinter and Scott publish finding NO diamonds in Younger Dryas Boundary layer
Impact hypothesis loses its sparkle
Shock-synthesized diamonds said to prove a catastrophic impact killed off North American megafauna can’t be found
Link to Press Release from the Washington University in St. Louis
About 12,900 years ago, a sudden cold snap interrupted the gradual warming that had followed the last Ice Age. The cold lasted for the 1,300-year interval known as the Younger…
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Regular readers have surely noticed the annoying and unsightly formatting problems here at the Tusk. In particular, blogs which use “block quotes” of outside material are superimposing themselves on older blogs, rendering them both nearly unreadable. While surely embarrassing for me, please rest easy. Technical personnel have been alerted and we will have it repaired soon.
This is…
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Ted Bunch
From an email from Bunch to Leroy Ellenberger:
Dear Leroy – not to worry, Dalton is a competent scientist and did what he could do with the materials given to him. The problem lies with Scott and Pinter.
Some brief reasons why the Dalton et al paper is inept:
1.They did not collect from the YDB layer at the Arlington site that was used in the two Kennett et al papers, but from layers…
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