I can’t quite recall where I first heard of Summer Praetorious, but she is a respected professional in our area of inquiry. So I was intrigued today to see Summer post a pic of a collection of rather odd materials from a Younger Dryas marine core sample. Mighty cool. Cheers to Summer for sharing the mystery.
Can anyone help me with this mystery sample? It is unlike anything I have…
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Sharma, 2013
This week is “abstract reveal” week for the enormous annual conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) held each December (See Tusk at 2009 AGU). So each year around this time I search the AGU website for any coming presentations concerning the Younger Dryas and cosmic impact.
Fall Meeting 2019 San Fran turned up an interesting hit. Mukul Sharma, a geochemistry…
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Tireless Aussie Marc Young has done it again. During his summer holiday Marc has managed to link every YDIH peer-reviewed journal article directly from the bibliography spreadsheet. My idea to have a slick “accordion file” of all the papers at the bottom of the page was simply ahead of its time, and this is a much cleaner solution. So, now, finally, the YDIH literature is fully —…
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The Cosmic Tusk has had the good fortune to join several podcasts in the last few years years to discuss the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. I am a big podcast fan, and unlike TV, narrow subject fiends like myself stand a chance to get on the air.
The experience of speaking, instead of writing, has progressed from unnerving to much more relaxed, even enjoyable. And now that I have several…
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Welcome to the permanent host page for the most comprehensive bibliography of scientific literature concerning the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. The bibliography was compiled in a collaboration between the Tusk and Mr. Marc Young, an Australian Archaeology & Enviro-Sci undergrad who performed most of the meticulous work.
Significantly, this page will include not only the citations of…
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The Tusk recently appeared as a guest on the UnchartedX YouTube series. It was fun and I have a lot of respect for Ben’s work to publicize the YDIH and the Comet Research Group.
But if had to do the podcast over again, I would have made more than a passing reference to an idea of mine. In the podcast, I suggested Joe Rogan question his regular guest Neil DeGrasse Tyson about his thoughts…
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