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Random Tusks

Oldie but Goodie: The 2350 BC Middle East Anomaly Evidenced By Micro-debris Fallout, Surface Combustion And Soil Explosion

Abstract of talk by Marie-Agnès Courty CNRS-CM. Lab. de Science des Sols et Hydrologic, INA P-G, 78850 Grignon, France. email: fedoroff[at]diamant.jouy.inra.dr Presented at the SIS Conference: Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations (11th-13th July 1997) Further investigations allow to re-examine the nature, age, causes and effects of the third millennium catastrophe identified from…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Dutch spurns geology and challenges Firestone on his home turf -- Isotopic Chemistry

Steve Dutch, a geologist and avocational skeptic, has gone from criticism of the Great Lakes as impacts craters (not a central claim of the YDB team, in any case) to taking on Rick Firestone and others in Isotopic Chemistry. The interdisciplinary nature of this debate is fun and healthy, but if were Dutch, I would stick with midwestern geology, and leave the isotopic chemistry to Firestone &#8212…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Heinrich and Dutch to Firestone: Hang it up on Great Lakes crater speculation

Dear Friends, Dr. Firestone wrote: “The other argument against the YD impact is that there is no crater near the Great Lakes. That is not necessarily true. The second deepest terrestrial place on earth is the Lake Superior basin and the basins of three other Great Lakes are deeper than Death Valley despite lying in the flat Midwest far from major tectonic activity. The mid-Continental…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Tusk bullish on old Taurid Comet papers

Articles pertaining to the Taurid Complex: Title: Meteor observations in Japan: new implications for a Taurid meteoroid swarm Authors: ASHER, D. J.; IZUMI, K. Affiliation: AA(Communications Research Laboratory, 893-1, Hirai, Kashima-shi, Ibaraki-ken 314-0012, Japan), AB(Nippon Meteor Society, 812-8 Namiki-machi, Shibukawa-shi, Gunma-ken 377-0033, Japan) Journal: Monthly Notices…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Crater Hunter blog turns it up a notch

The Tusk recommends the blog Crater Hunter: A Catastrophe of Comets as another stop to study strange claims and the science that supports them.  I think it is authored by Dennis Cox(?), but regardless, the author is clearly a brave and dedicated soul — and the writing ain’t half bad. The more I learn about “ ignimbrites,” to this blog as Carolina bays are to the Tusk, the…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Napier invokes Whipple: Challenges NASA's Morrison

[Whipple Obit] In an independent defense of  David Morrison’s ham-handed screed in the (giggle) Skeptical Inquirer challenging the science of the YDB event, respected British astronomer Bill Napier invokes some greats of the past — in particular, Fred Whipple of Harvard, the grandfather of American comet science — in support of his central claim that the Taurid complex of…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Napier telegraphs from Old Country: Eats lunch of NASA's Morrison, USA

TEXT OF BILL NAPIER’S REPLY to the [Morrison paper in Skeptical Inquirer] forwarded by Leroy Ellenberger: “It is too late to add anything on Napier’s paper. My colleagues who do dynamics are unimpressed with this work, however, and they consider it to be almost as unreasonable as the original Firestone et al. impact hypothesis.” David Morrison, NASA, Addendum to…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question