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Random Tusks

Just in from Vance Haynes at Murray Springs Clovis Site

C. Vance Haynes Jr.a,1, J. Boernerb, K. Domanikc, D. Laurettac, J. Ballengerd, and J. Gorevac +Author Affiliations aSchool of Anthropology and Department of Geosciences,University of Arizona, PO Box 210030, Tucson, AZ 85721 bDepartment of Geosciences, University of Arizona, PO Box 210077, Tucson, AZ 85721 cLunar and Planetary Laboratory, Department of Planetary Sciences, University of…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Just Published: Independents locate ET Black Mat and more in Venezuela

An international team of scientists representing a number of disciplines locate bizarre materials and ET impact markers in a distinct layer of well-dated sediments from the initiation of the Younger Dryas and publish their findings in a major scientific journal.  2007 Firestone et.al. in PNAS? Nope.  W.C. Mahaney et. al. Geomorphology — March 2010. In a total surprise to me (and I think…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

AGU Fall Meeting Re-Cap Part Two: Tom Stafford's Texas Hill Country Paleo site littered with ET evidence at start of Younger Dryas

Tom Stafford was an expert among experts at the Fall Meeting.  I became aware of Tom Stafford when Redefining the Age of Clovis: Implications for the Peopling of America was published in Science in 2007.  He is the Former Director of the Laboratory of AMS Radicarbon Research at University of Colorado.  And for more than decade he has been President of Stafford Research Laboratories — the…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Guest Blog: Hermann Burchard on Siberian Hot Spot Tracks

From Hermann Burchard: This note is a summary of aspects of Siberian geology as far as I have been able to gather relevant facts, occasioned in part by and meant to correct errors in what I heard on a TV program dealing with the Siberian traps [“Earth’s Deadliest Eruption,” Feb 9, History Channel, AETN, affiliated with British Sky Broadcasting, often runs programs from…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Firestone's response to Paquay and Surovell papers blogged -- Stafford, Sharma and Courty left out of discussion

Little Bird Update: A little bird called me to make a couple of points related to my blog last night regarding the (limited) Firestone  quotes provided at Anthro.net. 1)  Rick  apparently used “we” inappropriately when claiming Surovell was biased. Other YD team members do not think Surovell was biased — and surely not malignly biased to the extent he would deliberately…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Material found in bogs suggests cosmic relation to historic climate downturns

Wow.  I tossed up an oldish link to an abstract by Lars Franzen — and today Lars sends me a nice note with a more recent article attached.  Until I hear otherwise I am sharing it. Absolutely facinating.  Lars’ paper shows a link between abrubt climate change and cosmic material.  He doesn’t speculate too heavily on the precise nature of the cosmic flux — could be little…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Bang: NatGeo covers new evidence from the Holocene Working Group

You gotta love the Yellow Rectangle. Richard Lovett writes for National Geographic that the The Holocene Working Group (HWG), as ably led by Dallas Abbott of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, has new work out. [Giant Meteorites Slammed Earth Around AD 500:  Double impact may hvae caused tsunami, global cooling]. It seems the HWG has confirmed the presence of…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

German researchers have found those same pesky nanodiamond encrusted Carbon Spherules

Sometimes it seems the YDB team is treated as though they are the only researchers who are finding these interesting little orbs.  I don’t know if that is because the critics are ignorant of the other research, or just giving things a spin.  Fact is, more than one group unrelated to and certainly not in collaboration with the YDB folks are finding the same things.  Note the German…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question