Allow me to take a personal privilege here and post the new brochure I have been working on for Restoration Systems. I post this because, first of all, most blogs have off-subject insights into the blog author’s other interests. And second, this is the kind of economic responsibility I feel above and beyond my fondness for the Cosmic Tusk. For the most part, my duties at RS are why I come and go, wax ands wane, here as your subject maven. I enjoy producing good media for good ideas — but I can only handle one good idea at a time.
Lovely, eloquent, informative, encouraging, decent masculine tone — emphasize job creation — show some vigorous females, seniors, teens — maybe get a college media department to set up a class project to made a YouTube documentary — Voltaire wrote at the end of “Candide”: Tend your garden…
I’ve been tending a little wetlands in back of my urban Santa Fe quarter-acre, a four foot wide sporadic ditch (acequia) during summer monsoon rains has a 3-ft high waterfall over an old stone dam, beside two 4-foot wide Siberian Elms, where I sit in a comfortable padded lawn chair in the shade, looking down the water at the peak (gently geoablated into a wide dome) of Santa Fe Baldy 18 miles away between trees — letting plants grow, evolving paths that slope sideways down the 10-foot drop from our yard — seen snakes, turtles, skunks, cats, dog, birds, hummingbirds — moving sand and clay that collects in the ditch to shape the slopes and make terraces for iris…