
The Plait Affair: Gross contempt for one's better

Wickramasinghe and Sir Fred Hoyle Plait #1 Plait #2 Plait #3 Rebuttal Space plankton at ProfChandra Though Panspermia is not the focus of this blog, I consider the theory and body of evidence a friendly intellectual cousin to the Tusk’s Coherent Catastrophism and worthy of defense on the same grounds. Both philosophies (to use the old term) come from a place of humility in the cosmos…
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More misinformation from

The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Random Tusks

Earth to The Bos and Phil: The true cross-sectional area of the potentially dangerous material is greater than that of the original comet itself

The Bos is Back! Bos Mum on Mars Update: Coma Just Dust… Elenin: Sliding Spring backing off a bit….. Elenin: Probability of Mars Impact 1-120 or so  These media scientists are just too much. Below is bad astronomer Phil Plait validating the Napier Astronomical Model for the Younger Dryas Impact(s) and refuting The Bos’ claim that there is no way to have multiple incoming…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

2012 Slow Green Fireball Train in UK: Satellite or Meteor Break-Up?

I hate being dragged into these “modern” reports, since the Tusk specializes about this kind of stuff in the ancient past. But the UK event yesterday was really, really cool and I have posted before on these slow greenish fireballs. Because of the unusually long duration and slow movement, some people have suggested the possibility of a satellite reentry. For various reasons, this is…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question