The real discoveries will come when we let the whole world in on the data
The consensus we achieved today was a miracle, but I believe in miracles.
Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fla), New York Times, July 15, 2010
The real discoveries will come when we let the whole world in on the data
The consensus we achieved today was a miracle, but I believe in miracles.
Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fla), New York Times, July 15, 2010
It’s nice to hear some sanity coming out of Washington for a change. The moon, and mars, can wait. A really nice suite of expensive lunar, or Mars, exploration technology would be nice. But neither one of them presents an impact hazard.
The importance of understanding the things that can kill us all without warning makes Moon, or Mars, missions seem like chasing butterflies, and comparing notes.
We should be learnig how spot, reach out, and touch, a comet, or asteroid on short notice. Lest we get touched ourselves…
Without notice any notice at all.
Why is there no link to a news article or press release?