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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Unclassified: Dr. Edward Teller and the anomalous nature of Green Fireballs

Dr. Edward Teller REPOSTED FROM:  http://www.project1947.com/gfb/cap21649.html [ – Blacked Out – ] UNCLASSIFIED CONFERENCE ON AERIAL PHENOMENA Held at 1300, 16 February 1949, in conference room P-162, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Present: 4th Army: Major Winn Major Godsoe Captain Neef AFSWP: Commander Mandelkorn University of New Mexico: Dr. LaPaz FBI…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

The Rupununi event

The Rupununi event I now move on to the suspected explosion over British Guyana in 1935. The main source for information on this event is a story entitled Tornado or Meteor Crash? in the magazine The Sky (the forerunner of Sky and Telescope) of September 1939(5). A report from Serge A. Korff of the Bartol Research Foundation, Franklin Institute (Delaware, USA) was printed, he having been in…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Mini Tunguska: The Rio Curuca Impact, Brazil, 1930

The Day the Earth Trembled by John McFarland reposted from the Armagh Observatory here. When the sun began to rise on the morning of 13 August 1930 like any other morning, little did the inhabitants along the banks of the River Curuçá in the Brazilian Amazonas region, near the Peruvian frontier, realise what was about to happen. The women of the community had started washing clothing and the…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Fireballs from Heaven: To be or not to be?

Assuming a thermal breakup for 73P, Wiegert and colleagues have calculated the most likely trajectory of its dust cloud. Their results: dust should reach Earth in 2022, “producing a minor meteor shower–nothing spectacular. However,” he adds, “the ongoing splitting of the comet means new meteoroids are being sent in new directions, so a future strong meteor shower from 73P…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Kobres: The Case of Carbonaceous Catastrophes

From: http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk/caseof.html Holmes; Are you carbonizing onions or smoking rope in that calabash again? BY GEORGE WATSON LOOK AT THIS! GREAT BALLS OF FIRE! Neutrons out of something the size of a football from a sustainable D to D fusion. Seems it was thought up years ago by old Farnsworth, the fellow who invented television, but the implications were ignored. Now it’s…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Walt Whitman, Gustav Hahn, and the Great Fireball Train of 1913

[BLOCK QUOTES NOT WORKING, FOLKS, OFF SITE MATERIAL BELOW] From The Star at:  http://www.thestar.com/article/819730 An obscure painting by the Canadian artist Gustav Hahn (1866-1962) has played a crucial role in unravelling a literary mystery. It’s a story that blends art, poetry, science and history, and involves not only Hahn but also a great American painter from half a century earlier…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

BBC: Ball lightning 'may explain UFOs'

Ball lightning ‘may explain UFOs’ By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News Some UFO sightings could be explained by ball lightning and other atmospheric phenomena, claims Australian astrophysicist Stephen Hughes. The scientist has made a detailed study of an unusual event in 2006 when large meteors were observed over Brisbane. Their appearance occurred at the same time as a…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question