Distinguished Science writer Dr. Richard Kerr walked the plank this afternoon in response to this morning’s Knight Science Journalism Tracker inquiry of science writers.
Charles Petit’s casual post brought quick attention from the old-school dean of science writing. Kerr implored his press colleagues to, in effect: Move on, move on…There is nothing to see here.
See here:
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At the end of the Pleistocene a Younger Dryas black mat was deposited on top of the Pleistocene sediments in many parts of North America. A study of the magnetic fraction (~10,900±50 B.P.) from the basal section of the black mat at Murray Springs, AZ revealed the presence of amorphous iron oxide framboids in a glassy iron-silica matrix. These framboids are very similar in appearance and…
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The titles for the talks and posters at the upcoming INQUA session, The Enigmatic Younger Dryas, have been posted for some time. Typical of scientific conferences, the narrative abstract revealing the findings (or musings) of the presenter is posted later, a few weeks before the conference. The abstracts for the conference have now been published.
Here again in Switzerland, in keeping with…
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Vance Holliday and others in this email exchange have kindly allowed me to post their chatter to the Tusk.
I will clean it up later. But for now – here you go…..
On 9/24/2010 2:38 PM, Vance Holliday wrote:
All I asked was why is it that when us skeptics can’t reproduce
data or confirm hypothesis for The Impact Team we are accused of slipshod
science or incompetence, yet…
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Unfortunately, the overcrowded session ran late, and there was no time for discussion or questions. Even when their conclusions were challenged, most of the scientists in the audience chose not to respond. The result was a lost opportunity for real debate. Perhaps not surprisingly, the AGU session received very little press attention. Indeed, following the AGU and GSA meetings, the…
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C. Vance Haynes Jr.a,1,
J. Boernerb,
K. Domanikc,
D. Laurettac,
J. Ballengerd, and
J. Gorevac
+Author Affiliations
aSchool of Anthropology and Department of Geosciences,University of Arizona, PO Box 210030, Tucson, AZ 85721
bDepartment of Geosciences, University of Arizona, PO Box 210077, Tucson, AZ 85721
cLunar and Planetary Laboratory, Department of Planetary Sciences, University of…
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An international team of scientists representing a number of disciplines locate bizarre materials and ET impact markers in a distinct layer of well-dated sediments from the initiation of the Younger Dryas and publish their findings in a major scientific journal. 2007 Firestone et.al. in PNAS?
Nope. W.C. Mahaney et. al. Geomorphology — March 2010.
In a total surprise to me (and I think…
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Tom Stafford was an expert among experts at the Fall Meeting. I became aware of Tom Stafford when Redefining the Age of Clovis: Implications for the Peopling of America was published in Science in 2007. He is the Former Director of the Laboratory of AMS Radicarbon Research at University of Colorado. And for more than decade he has been President of Stafford Research Laboratories — the…
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