CatastrophismOther Ancient Impacts

Ancient airburst over Ohio

Background from Smithsonian Magazine Breakdown from Archeothoughts Erudite Tusk commentor Stuart Hamish below refers accurately to this Neuheuser and Neuheuser paper responding to Tankersley et al., as “hair splitting.” I’d agree. Stuart also includes some juicy tidbits about other modern impacts that are worth sharing. Incidentally, I plan to take Stuart up on his suggestion…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

Other Ancient Impacts

American Airburst: Comet fragments destroy ancient Midwest culture

The Washington Post Smithsonian Magazine University of Cincinnati press release Comet Research Group member Ken Tankersley and his University of Cincinnati team published an astonishing paper this week in Nature’s Science Reports providing hard data suggesting that the Native American “Hopewell Culture” witnessed and suffered terribly from a cosmic onslaught just 1700 years…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Ancient airburst over Ohio