The bibliography of the subject alone refutes Vance Holliday’s absolute and categorical rejection of all evidence for the YDIH in a recent lecture. There are simply too many groups publishing too many papers for all of the evidence to be entirely rejected by anyone, even a persistent critic like Holliday. For gosh sake, the world’s leading climate scientist (who sadly passed just last week) believed there was too much evidence to ignore.
Holliday’s approach here — to reject any all evidence in dozens of peer reviewed major journal articles — is self-evidently anti-science and willfully ignorant. When I worked in politics we referred to an electoral opponent with a similar state of mind as having become “Shrill and hysterical.” They lost.
I hope the school had the courage to film it. If anyone has a video of the lecture please contact me.
Prof. Vance Holliday lectures today at #UNM about Younger Dryas: “The data and the hypotheses generated by #YDIH proponents are contradictory, inconsistent, and incoherent. If there was some sort of extraterrestrial event at ~12.9k BP, it had no terrestrial impact.” #YDBS
— Mark Boslough (@MarkBoslough) February 21, 2019