Cosmic SummitUncategorized

The Hancock Corsetti Affair: A Detailed Explanation

Hello old friends, new friends and others. As some are aware, the event I have been planning for a year, the Cosmic Summit 2023, has had a sudden and disappointing setback. Two of the lead speakers, Graham Hancock and Jimmy Corsetti, will not be joining us in Asheville. Fortunately and graciously, within 72 hours of the schedule change last Thursday, TV host Scott Wolter, ancient history…
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Tusk on Danny Jones Podcast

Good god!! Is this the other Tusk?

Cosmic Summit


Hello, Cosmic Tusk, good to be here and sorry to be AWOL. One good thing about having a blog for thirteen years is that readers, I trust, know that I am not going anywhere and I’m likely expressing my interest in our subjects in other ways. But there is never an excuse not to blog, so off we go… ____________________________ My first update would concern the Tusk sponsored Cosmic Summit…
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It's a wrap: Cosmic Summit 2023

Disclosure at the Summit

Tusk on Danny Jones Podcast

Tusk Unplugged on DemystifySci

Other Ancient Impacts

Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

The recent Joe Rogan episode featuring John Reeves was a wild one for the Tusk. I was both cheering my fellow boners on, while at the same time trying to climb inside my car speakers to provide these two gentlemen with a critical piece of information. Joe and John are seemingly unaware of a 2017 Comet Research Group paper in Nature’s Scientific Reports. The publication concerned our analysis…
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Ancient airburst over Ohio

American Airburst: Comet fragments destroy ancient Midwest culture