Response from Gobekli Tepe dig and back at you from Edinburg
What DID that fox say?
Times of London
Ok, I’ve finally found a little time to provide some commentary after posting the Gobekli Tepe YD Comet paper last week. I have more substantive comments underway (believe it or not) but first I thought I would rail a bit about the press.
The treatment of this particular…
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UCSB press release
Daily Mail
Red Orbit
Tusk regular Garcia makes hurculean effort on WUWT
Paper below in response to ham-handed 2014 attack from Meltzer – Holliday
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Bayesian chronological analyses consistent with synchronous age of 12,835–12,735 Cal B.P.
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We agree with them that glass could be formed a lot of different ways. We don’t have a problem with that,” said Allen West, a retired oil and gas executive who is one of the leading proponents of the theory.
“You can get them from grass fires but you also get melt glass from lightning, volcanic eruptions and you also get it from cosmic impacts. The trick is being…
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Live updates and edits underway
Press release from B612 Foundation
UPDATE: B612 Impact Video 4-20-14 H264 from D Josh Rosen on Vimeo.
The Tusk works mightily to avoid speculating about future cosmic impacts at the expense of reporting evidence for such events in the human past, but recent news intervenes once more. Tomorrow the wires will hopefully buzz with the B612 Foundation‘s…
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It is safe to say The Bos is becoming obsessed. Someone please count and let me know, but I believe he has four publications this year seeking to undermine the Younger Dryas Boundary Hypothesis. Over time he has published more than a dozen. Today he is back in PNAS — alone — and in the face of Harvard scientists who independently discovered to their surprise an extraordinary spike…
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Readers will recall the awkwardly titled September post, “NatGeo actually calls Wally Broecker to discuss evidence for cosmic impact at Younger Dryas start.” The Tusk was trying to convey there my astonishment that a thoughtful and thorough article was written on recent advances in the study of the Younger Dryas Boundary. Only later, with very little digging, did I realize this was…
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A meteor or comet impact near Quebec heaved a rain of hot melted rock along North America’s Atlantic Coast about 12,900 years ago, a new study claims.
Scientists have traced the geochemical signature of the BB-sized spherules that rained down back to their source, the 1.5-billion-year-old Quebecia terrane in northeastern Canada near the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. At the time of the impact, the…
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