Tusk Unplugged on DemystifySci

Good god!! Is this the other Tusk?

Cosmic Summit

Tusk Party

After 28 years of fascination, I’ve now completely lost my mind and gone all in. The Tusk is sponsoring a speculative ancient history — and hard science — gathering June 16 – 18, 2023, in Asheville, North Carolina. The Cosmic Summit 2023 will feature controversial authors, speculative internet personalities, and hard nosed Phd’s from the Comet Research Group. As…
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It's a wrap: Cosmic Summit 2023

Disclosure at the Summit

CatastrophismPro Younger Dryas Impact PapersYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

In 2009 the newly proposed Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis was knee capped by Surovell et al. To this day, despite a comprehensive 2012 expose of Todd Surovell’s flaws, his premature rejection of the YD impact is uncritically cited by opponents of the evidence and remains the final word in many closed minds. It remains a grudging task of the Comet Research Group to periodically refute his…
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The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: A Guide for the Perplexed: Marc Young provides a six-part counter-gallop

Scientific Reports: Melted platinum found in Florida swamp marks Younger Dryas cataclysm; Temps reached >3214­°F

Popular Press

Alexandra Witze

The failure to properly report evidence for the Younger Dryas Impact will one day be understood as the worst intellectual crime in the history of science journalism. I recently came across an illustrative example in the work of Alexandra Witze. In March Alex published a hagiography of Wally Broecker and his lifetime of work on our favorite ancient climate crash. …
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Ancient Apocalypse

CatastrophismPopular PressTusk TV

Younger Dryas Impacts gain MORE global attention

Tusk travel buddy from the Egypt 2020 Expedition, Jimmy Corsetti of Bright Insight, appeared last week on The Joe Rogan Experience, the most popular conversation on planet earth. The Younger Dryas Impact was a frequent subject. This single clip was viewed by over 3 million people. Not to be outdone, Comet Research Group resident Neo-Catastrophist astronomer, and popular Scottish author, Dr. Bill…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Con Younger Dryas Impact PapersPopular Press

Crater Denier

To gauge the depth of the anti-science pathology surrounding the Younger Dryas Impact, it is instructive to review a single quote from an oft-quoted ‘expert’ in cosmic impact craters, Dr. Christian Koeberl. In 2018, shortly after NASA announced in Science the discovery of the Hiawatha Crater in NW Greenland, Koeberl provided his opinion, which will ultimately spoil his career. “I…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Ancient Apocalypse

Pro Younger Dryas Impact Papers

Deadly Voyager: The Ancient Comet Strike that Changed Earth and Human History

Deadly Voyager website I was excited today to order a newly published book concerned 100% with the Younger Dryas Impact Event. The author is long-tenured and highly respected geologist, college president, museum director and writer, Dr. James Lawrence Powell. The book can be purchased from Amazon here. I will devour the book and return with a review. If the hypothesis of the impact is correct (and…
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The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: A Guide for the Perplexed: Marc Young provides a six-part counter-gallop

Scientific Reports: Melted platinum found in Florida swamp marks Younger Dryas cataclysm; Temps reached >3214­°F

Twitter TuskYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

America's skeptic changes mind on #ydih

Michael Shermer, Founding Publisher of Skeptic Magazine, tweeted Graham Hancock an extraordinary note this week. Shermer announced that based on last week’s blockbuster Abu Hureyra paper he was persuaded to re-think his position on the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. What a welcome development in the long effort to win the hearts and minds of persistent critics of global cataclysm at…
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Comet Research Group kicks off new journal with blockbuster papers

Alpine Younger Dryas Impact evidence

Random Tusks

You would think the Tusk and Marc Young’s effort to develop an easily accessible, comprehensive bibliography of all peer-reviewed literature concerning the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis would prove a pretty uncontroversial matter. Indeed the effort might be appreciated by anyone interested in the subject, regardless of their support for the published evidence of global cataclysm ~12,872…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Younger Dryas Impact Evidence

Twitter Tusk

Well, maybe it’s not really a “thang,” yet. But the Tusk is having some popular fun on Twitter tweeting photographs of the iconic, but relatively unknown, Younger Dryas Black Mat. I think many people interested in our subject have some sense that a clearly visible, multi-continent-wide, destruction layer exists, but many others certainly do not — and we all need to see more…
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Comet Research Group kicks off new journal with blockbuster papers

Alpine Younger Dryas Impact evidence