
A masterpiece of understanding

Brig Klyce’s I’ve had the privilege of being in regular touch with Chandra Wickramasinghe this year. Daily emails and regular Skype and Zoom calls have become a wonderful (wonder-full) intellectual dialogue. I am amazed at his ability to stay inspirational and continue to contribute despite his ostracism from the field HE founded: Astrobiology. There is simply no…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


Gross contempt for one’s better Part I: The Plait Affair Charles S. Cockell deeply injured his discipline and reputation in an upcoming June editorial in Astronomy and Geophysics from the Royal Astronomical Society. His objective in the piece was to review the history of Astrobiology, yet he fails to reference the founders of the modern field: Sir Fred Hoyle and Professor Chandra…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


"Viruses, ET, and the octopus from space: The return of panspermia"

UPDATE: Article back up!? The single best article I have read on Panspermia and its corollary, Disease from Space, was written just two years ago. An Australian lecturer and writer named Stephen Fleischfresser authored an extraordinary piece in Cosmos, a science publishing platform sponsored by the Royal Institute of Australia. I found the wonderfully titled, “Virus, ET and the octopus from…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


Press release on Coronavirus from Space

Scientists share their research about the potential origin of coronavirus and predict the progression of Covid-19 Map of Coronavirus spread Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe Scientific researchers released their findings about the source and predicted direction of the coronavirus and proposed critical measures for the pandemic. LONDON, UK, April 28, 2020 / &#8212…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


Ted on the case

Previous Steele posts Dr. Ted Steele continues to communicate his heroic effort to compare the genomic sequences of distant Covid-19 infection locations. If the genes show little mutation it could prove the primary infection vector is from above, not handshaking. Unless the intrepid handshaker owned a Gulfstream 6 and managed to press the flesh in several areas of the globe almost…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


Microbes entombed in cosmic dust collected from OUTSIDE surface of Space Station window

This has been a big couple of years for “UFOs.” Polling says that 33% of Americans believe that intelligent alien life forms have visited our humble planet in visible spacecraft. However, if you ask people if they believe that microbial life forms (bateria, viruses, diatomaceous plankton, tardigrades, fungi, and the like) are raining more or less constantly into the atmosphere from…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


Support from China for Covid from Space

I love Jiangwen Qu. He lives on the other side of the planet, I’ve never even traded an email with the guy, but I could hug his neck. Here he is publishing as recently as February 16, 2019 with Dr. Wickramasinghe in a full-throated support of Covid from space. The truth might logically come from the Chinese. The well-published data and long intellectual pedigree of virus in-fall is in the…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation

The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


Dr. Ted Steele talks

If coronavirus spreads only from person-to-person, each carrier will introduce mutations and transmit a slightly altered version to the pool. As rounds of infection multiply, accumulated mutations should increasingly vary the viral nucleotide sequences. For example, sequences from Wuhan should differ measurably from ones from New York.Advocates of panspermia think the virus initially arrives…
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Hear! Hear!

Steele et al. (2021)


Wickramasinghe speaks with about Panspermia and Pandemic

Viruses are part of evolution, April 8, 2020 [email protected] An interview with Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe Conducted by Dr Predrag Slijepcevic, Brunel University London Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe is best known for his work on the modern version of the panspermia theory – life in the form of microbes has the cosmic origin – conceived and…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation