CatastrophismOther Ancient Impacts


Panspermia 2013 The Tusk recieved an extraordinary paper recently and immediately pinged our digital acquaintance for commentary, world treasure: Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe. “Chandra, I hope you are well. A friend of the Comet Research GroupYDB team just sent around an announcement of the following discovery: A…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

Popular Press

The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis since 2007

I recently discovered an essay from Graham Hancock that manages to convey both the profound intellectual significance — and petty scholastic drama — of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis since 2007. Hancock doesn’t note his good timing, but as he writes in 2017 it is the 10th anniversary of the Comet Research Group’s Acapulco AGU presentations introducing the YDIH. This…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Ancient Apocalypse


The Plait Affair: Gross contempt for one's better

Wickramasinghe and Sir Fred Hoyle Plait #1 Plait #2 Plait #3 Rebuttal Space plankton at ProfChandra Though Panspermia is not the focus of this blog, I consider the theory and body of evidence a friendly intellectual cousin to the Tusk’s Coherent Catastrophism and worthy of defense on the same grounds. Both philosophies (to use the old term) come from a place of humility in the cosmos…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


International Space Station: Window scum supports Wickramasinghe and Sir Fred's long contention of teeming life in space

The space station is orbiting the earth in a total vacuum, there is no air, so it is a total defiance of the laws of physics to say these organisms were blown into space from Earth. ‘The only explanation is that they have come from elsewhere in space, and this supports long-held theories that plankton, and therefore all life on Earth including humans, originated from organisms in…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation


Wickramasinghe: Death from Above

Check out this great summary paper from the irrepressible Chandra Wickramasinghe.  Wickramasinghe just keeps going and going and going — even without his side-kick Sir Fred Hoyle. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe’s decades-old contention that life evolved in space and spreads via comets is convincing to me.  Not only do they have substantial data indicating this to be the case, it just…
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The Wickramsinghe Affair: Letter of Inquiry

Chandra Wickramasinghe, Cambridge ('60), Member of the Order of the British Empire ('22), cancelled for life lecture at Durham University: A Tusk Investigation

Random Tusks

Bob Kobres: Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse

Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse by Bob Kobres Original page here An earlier version of this article, without some of the illustrations, was published by the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies in the CHRONOLOGY AND CATASTROPHISM WORKSHOP 1992, number 1, pp.6-10, ISSN 0951-5984. This version is under GFDL . . . and from heaven a great star shall fall on the dread ocean and burn up the deep…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question