Popular PressTusk TV

Art imitates Tusk

The cruel irony of this welcome movie should be apparent to Tusk regulars. A satirical blockbuster uses an impending comet impact as a plot device to communicate a deeper message to all humanity that no one listens to scientists who…warn us of climate change. The director reveals his narrative subtext in many interviews, and calls it here,“…the most thinly disguised metaphor in…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Tusk TVYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

Ancient Traumas, Modern Hints

As the Taurid meteor season wanes on the approach of Thanksgiving, I thought it was relevant (and economical) to share a couple of recent videos which present the Taurid phenomena from different, but mutually informative contexts. The first is a ‘live shot,’ and the second is a ‘retrospective,’ if you will. Here is a scary cool mash-up of weather person Ashley Baylor…
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Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Comet Research Group kicks off new journal with blockbuster papers

Tusk TVYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

Teaching the Younger Dryas Impact

The Tusk has characteristically hit a summer communication drought. But that doesn’t mean we can’t toss up a YouTube here and there from the coast. It’s welcome to see college courses fully integrating the Younger Dryas Impact into their thinking about the Younger Dryas and climate change. Here’s a great effort from Middlebury College. Gotta love this guy’s building…
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Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Comet Research Group kicks off new journal with blockbuster papers

Pro Younger Dryas Impact PapersTusk TVYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

Sweatman nails it

Program Note: Thanks for your patience with weird glitches here or there as we shakedown a newly installed WordPress engine. Big changes coming soon! Indefatigable genius and digital friend of the Tusk, Dr. Martin Sweatman of the University of Edinburgh, authored a surprise blockbuster this week. Below from Earth Science Reviews is a peer-reviewed and fully accepted synthesis overview of the…
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The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: A Guide for the Perplexed: Marc Young provides a six-part counter-gallop

Scientific Reports: Melted platinum found in Florida swamp marks Younger Dryas cataclysm; Temps reached >3214­°F

Tusk TV

PBS NOVA on the Younger Dryas Impact

It seems like a lazy cheat to post YouTube videos two weeks in a row, instead of writing in-depth subject articles on the Tusk. But who has the time for that? And anyway the video below is a particularly special communication. It is special because WGBHPBS no longer stream this 2009 episode on their services — nor have they since 2011 — reportedly at the behest of Younger Dryas Impact…
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Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Cosmic Summit speaker videos

Tusk TV

Video Roundup

 Tusk appears with Chuck Reading on his popular channel concerning the Tall el-Hammam dig for Sodom, which I joined in 2014 and 2015. Updated list of podcasts here. A clip concerning the Younger Dryas impact from an unidentified television show. Lemme know if you find the name! I Great work from Matt Sibley at Ancient Architects explaining the importance of the Younger Dryas event. Hint…
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Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Cosmic Summit speaker videos

PodcastTusk TV

Tusk and UnchartedX join The Randall Carlson Podcast

randallcarlson.com Free speech podcasting is an awesome thing. Before our digital overlords take podcasting from us, the Tusk is going to maximize my enjoyment as a consumer and a guest. Joining geo-bear and catastrophe sherpa Randall Carlson this week was particularly fun. Ben could take the lead with his intricate understanding of Egypt and excellent locution. The Tusk could listen along and…
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Tusk on Danny Jones Podcast

Tusk Unplugged on DemystifySci

NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Video Round-up and the Foxhole

EgyptPopular PressTusk TV

Egypt Unplugged

The only thing more fun than touring Egypt top to bottom is making the trip with creative people that record the adventure and share it with millions worldwide. Lemme know if I’ve missed anything, but below is the growing body of work I’ve collected and will keep updated. The Tusk is thrilled to have the memories and interpretations of our wonderful expedition to enjoy for millennia to…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Tusk TVYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

What would the planet do without the tireless? I love how our subject draws in gifted obsessives from around the world. One example is Marc Young in Australia who compiled The Bib last year. Soon after The Bib was released, Dr. Martin Sweatman University of Edinburgh picked up and leveraged the easily available information.  In a incredible feat of “grinding it out,” Martin has worked…
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Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Comet Research Group kicks off new journal with blockbuster papers