Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Le Bos, mais pourquoi pas la France?!

But why not France, Bos!? The news release Independent investigators have failed to confirm the reports of enhanced concentrations of spherules and platinum-group elements in YD boundary sediments. Boslough, Surovell et al., January 30, 2013, Arguments and Evidence Against a Younger Dryas Impact Event    Interhemispheric evidence of a cosmic impact 12.9 ka is known now…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Steamed: Ted Bunch From the Heart On Boslough and Scott

This afternoon former NASA geochemist Ted Bunch dropped the Tusk the note below. It is thrilling to see a core YDB researcher with a five decade track record [and here] willing to stand up to his bullies in frank and personal terms, outside the stilted literature and self-serving press releases. The recent Boslough et al. paper and coordinated press releases are insulting to Dr. Bunch.
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

The Bos & Co

Napier: Not So Fast Bos....

The banner image above is Comet 73/P Schwassman-Wachmann fragmenting in orbit  ABSTRACT Intersection with the debris of a large (50-100 km) short-period comet during the Upper Palaeolithic provides a satisfactory explanation for the catastrophe of celestial origin which has been postulated to have occurred around 12900 BP, and which pre-saged a return to ice age conditions of duration 1300 years.
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#Pebblegate over; Tall el-Hammam paper remains published

Random Tusks

Typical: Boslough ignores LeCompte

 [See comments: Boslough responds!] Boslough et al’s recent paper gives no less than nine separate citations to Todd Surovell’s 2009 publication: An independent evaluation of the Younger Dryas extra-terrestrial hypothesis. The multiple references are not surprising given that the Surovell paper has become a totem of Boslough and other’s crusade to end research into…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Random Tusks

Holy Hagiography!: Boslough "Jonesed" By Sandia Labs

I have seen some fawning press releases in my day but this is the most obsequious schlock I have ever encountered. Mark or his mum must have stayed up real late writing this one. I seriously doubt any “synthesis” rebuttal paper containing so little original work (What did kill all those animals? Global warming?) has ever been touted by a federally funded institution in so silly and…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Cosmic Summit


Hello, Cosmic Tusk, good to be here and sorry to be AWOL. One good thing about having a blog for thirteen years is that readers, I trust, know that I am not going anywhere and I’m likely expressing my interest in our subjects in other ways. But there is never an excuse not to blog, so off we go… ____________________________ My first update would concern the Tusk sponsored Cosmic Summit…
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It's a wrap: Cosmic Summit 2023

Disclosure at the Summit

Con Younger Dryas Impact PapersPopular PressTall el-HammamThe Bos & Co

#Pebblegate over; Tall el-Hammam paper remains published

The Bunch et al. paper concerning the biblical city of Tall el-Hammam and co-authored by the Tusk has proven a dramatic publication. Arguably the most popular scientific journal article on earth, the paper has by turns been reported to millions; smeared by anti-Christian bigots; spared by a secular publisher; and most recently employed by James Lawrence Powell to defend the scientific method…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Ancient Apocalypse

Pro Younger Dryas Impact Papers

Premature rejection in science: The case of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

Dr. James Powell published an extraordinary review paper this week revealing and carefully detailing the premature (and pathological imho) rejection of the YDIH. When combined with Martin Sweatman’s work from earlier this year, the whole sorry story of the unprofessional knee jerk opposition to the theory has finally been told. And what a wonderful and welcome documentarian we have in…
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The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: A Guide for the Perplexed: Marc Young provides a six-part counter-gallop

Scientific Reports: Melted platinum found in Florida swamp marks Younger Dryas cataclysm; Temps reached >3214­°F