Only at the Cosmic Tusk can you expect to see a major global announcement by NASA scooped by six weeks. Thanks to our blog’s most dedicated contributor, Steve Garcia: You heard it here first.
See other, non-prescient, contemporaneous coverage here:
NBC: Immense crater may have been found deep under Greenland’s ice sheet
PhysOrg: NASA finds possible second impact crater under…
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The Tusk doesn’t generally report on current impact phenomena, and focuses instead on past impacts. But it never hurts to show some cool videos on a blog. First is from terrified residents of Vianales, Cuba on February 1st, 2019, shocked by the delayed arrival of the concussion, and staring in wonder and disbelief at the meteor ablation smoke trail lingering high in the atmosphere following…
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Permanent home of the Bib and Archive
Long on the list of goals here at the Tusk is to host the world’s most concise, attractive, accessible and informative bibliography of our favorite subject. A baby step in that direction is submitted below for your perusal, download and propagation.
With the help of Marc Young, here is a list of what we believe is the best selection of journal articles…
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11:05 No crater?
48:23 Jim Kennett in a wonderful moment
During a fleeting period at the end of the last decade, a decade ago, the YDIH was a burgeoning mainstream topic. So popular in fact that the “Cadillac” of science TV, PBS NOVA, did an absolutely beautiful hour-long 2009 episode on the ice age comet discovery and its lead scientists.
A few years later, it was noted the program…
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Some wag tweeted this funny cartoon today depicting the current state of affairs in Younger Dryas Boundary Research. The storyboard calls out The Bos and Vance Holliday for their willful ignorance with regard to the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. The clever and extraordinarily well informed cartoonist points out the awkward position The Bos has created for himself (in the Washington Post no…
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Jimmy at Bright Insight has posted a masterpiece of science and speculation concerning the YDIH. How do these guys do this? I would find it very, very difficult to prepare all this info and share it in such a coherent manner on camera. Some of his other videos are just tad too speculative, even for the Tusk, but he nails the facts of the YDIH and then proceeds with some entirely justified…
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As most crater heads know, a “central peak” within a bowl shaped depression is diagnostic of a large “complex crater” resulting from a highly energetic (to say the very least) cosmic collision. Though NASA made an effort to point out the subtle peak features of Hiawatha Crater beneath a mile of erosive ice, the portion of their video revealing this crucial aspect of the…
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Longtime Tusk buddy and dedicated Catastrophist Steve Garcia went crater hunting and located IMHO a great candidate for the second crater hinted at by NASA scientist Dr. Joe MacGregor of the Hiawatha Discovery Team. He was thoughtful to send the Tusk the first image below of the suspect dimple beneath a mile of ice. I dug up some others below that.
Here is MacGregor’s hint in…
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Oh, lordy, bring me my salts. I do feel the vapours coming on. You could have knocked the Tusk over with a feather at the Apple Store yesterday when my phone linked to the The Bos in the Washington Post, presenting at 2018 AGU, and pimping to the world: The Taurids are a threat! The Taurids are a threat!
…the Moon will be new on July 3 and will not interfere significantly with such…
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