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Popular Press

Alexandra Witze

The failure to properly report evidence for the Younger Dryas Impact will one day be understood as the worst intellectual crime in the history of science journalism. I recently came across an illustrative example in the work of Alexandra Witze. In March Alex published a hagiography of Wally Broecker and his lifetime of work on our favorite ancient climate crash. …
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Ancient Apocalypse

Popular PressTusk TVTwitter Tusk

Tusk at Sedona Conference

The Tusk is back from a wonderful four-night stay in Sedona, Arizona, where I gave  a presentation on the Younger Dryas Impact. Wordviewz Media and HowTube’s conference was another milestone on my own journey from hard-headed, meat eating, materialist; to hard-headed, meat eating, materialist…who loves hanging out with the Arizona “crystal crowd.” God bless their soul. As…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Con Younger Dryas Impact PapersPopular PressTall el-HammamThe Bos & Co

#Pebblegate over; Tall el-Hammam paper remains published

The Bunch et al. paper concerning the biblical city of Tall el-Hammam and co-authored by the Tusk has proven a dramatic publication. Arguably the most popular scientific journal article on earth, the paper has by turns been reported to millions; smeared by anti-Christian bigots; spared by a secular publisher; and most recently employed by James Lawrence Powell to defend the scientific method…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Ancient Apocalypse

Random Tusks

Nukes and Comets

Since 2010 the Tusk has never mentioned nuclear war. I have presented thousands of pages of evidence for an equally destructive, and oddly similar, form of sudden global annihilation and ecological destruction — cosmic impact. But war and bombs are not my gig. That said, if you asked me a year ago which threat I thought was a more likely end day villian for global society, I would have said…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Tusk on Danny Jones Podcast

Good god!! Is this the other Tusk?

PodcastPopular Press

Rogan Listeners: Welcome to the Cosmic Tusk

My buddy Randall Carlson was kind to mention the Cosmic Tusk (and George Howard;) on Joe Rogan this weekend. I popped up this introductory post in case I get some extra visitors new to the Younger Dryas Impact, and they need guidance around this particular rabbit hole. Here at the Tusk we provide breaking news and in-depth information since 2010 regarding evidence from the past that cosmic…
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Tusk on Danny Jones Podcast

NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Other Ancient Impacts

American Airburst: Comet fragments destroy ancient Midwest culture

The Washington Post Smithsonian Magazine University of Cincinnati press release Comet Research Group member Ken Tankersley and his University of Cincinnati team published an astonishing paper this week in Nature’s Science Reports providing hard data suggesting that the Native American “Hopewell Culture” witnessed and suffered terribly from a cosmic onslaught just 1700 years…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Ancient airburst over Ohio

Other Ancient Impacts

Deep Tusk Talk

New Light on the Black Death Bonus video to lighten it up This post is for total nerds. So stop here if you have a social life. Below I’ve excerpted a lengthy debate in the comment section of the Tusk concerning the timing and cause of global shocks since the Younger Dryas, in particular the eventful downturns of the last 2022 years. Tusk buddy Jonny McAneny kicked it off in the comment…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Ancient airburst over Ohio

Popular PressTusk TV

In praise of intellectual honesty

A little blue bird tweeted this weekend that the Younger Dryas Impact was off her radar since she was “not aware of widespread community acceptance of the proposal.” I’m not aware of any books on that topic – I believe most of the discussion has been in journal articles. I’m also not aware of widespread community acceptance of the proposal so I don’t have much…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Video Round-up and the Foxhole