Hiawatha Crater

Hiawatha Crater: still smokin'?

I’ve previously posted my frustration with the silence concerning the presumably on-going research to characterize and date this extraordinarily young impact crater in Greenland. I’ll put that rant aside, and repeat the establishment line here (unchanged since the discovery): The cosmic impact crater creating, climate changing, 5-mile deep, 19-mile wide, bowl of molten rock is…
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Ancient tree and plant parts found in Greenland's youthful Hiawatha Crater

Hiawatha Crater: still smokin'?

Hiawatha Crater

Hiawatha Crater central peak

As most crater heads know, a “central peak” within a bowl shaped depression is diagnostic of a large “complex crater” resulting from a highly energetic (to say the very least) cosmic collision. Though NASA made an effort to point out the subtle peak features of Hiawatha Crater beneath a mile of erosive ice, the portion of their video revealing this crucial aspect of the…
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Hiawatha Crater: still smokin'?

Popular PressRandom Tusks

The Hiawatha Crater and Global Warming politics

In addition to the recent history of the earth, its animals, and mankind, the Hiawatha Crater discovery may have something else to teach us. The Tusk finds the real-time sociological implications of the crater as fascinating and instructive as the feature itself. I’m obsessed by what the new information reveals about the motivations and perspective of many so-called “science…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Ancient Apocalypse

Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Hiawatha CraterRandom Tusks

Tusk on Hiawatha

What a week. The announcement of the Hiawatha Crater is hands down the most important development in the eight year history of the Tusk. Lest I remind you, when your blog’s tagline is “Exploring abrupt climate change induced by comets and asteroids during human history”, and Science publishes a feature article titled: Ice Age Impact: A large asteroid struck Greenland in the time…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

The Bib

Welcome to the permanent host page for the most comprehensive bibliography and free paper archive of scientific literature concerning the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis since the first paper in 2007. This effort was compiled in a collaboration between the Tusk and Mr. Marc Young, an Australian Archaeology & Enviro-Sci Graduate Honors Candidate who performed the meticulous work. Another…
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CatastrophismOther Ancient Impacts

The Fall of Phaethon

The Chiemgau impact in Bavarian Germany stands out as a particularly sympathetic “martyr” crater. The evidence for a Bronze Age euro-apocalypse is sincerely published and well established as a legitimate hypothesis based on decades of meticulous fieldwork, but entirely dismissed because the proponents believe the impact was relatively recent in geological terms. The authors don’t…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

Con Younger Dryas Impact PapersPopular Press

Crater Denier

To gauge the depth of the anti-science pathology surrounding the Younger Dryas Impact, it is instructive to review a single quote from an oft-quoted ‘expert’ in cosmic impact craters, Dr. Christian Koeberl. In 2018, shortly after NASA announced in Science the discovery of the Hiawatha Crater in NW Greenland, Koeberl provided his opinion, which will ultimately spoil his career. “I…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Ancient Apocalypse

Pro Younger Dryas Impact PapersTwitter Tusk


Video cued to some action Same thing, different skeptic: Michael Shermer comes around Tusk on Defant 2017 “The Book” that did the trick Deadly Voyager website Dr. Marc Defant did a great thing this morning by announcing on Twitter and his blog that he had come around to support the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. As I told Marc, my respect for his intellectual integrity soared when I…
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The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: A Guide for the Perplexed: Marc Young provides a six-part counter-gallop

Scientific Reports: Melted platinum found in Florida swamp marks Younger Dryas cataclysm; Temps reached >3214­°F