Pro Younger Dryas Impact PapersYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

Planet's earliest agricultural village melted by cosmic hell in Syria

The Sun and The Express I am still planning to post some commentary on the substance of the paper itself, but in the meantime I wanted make an observation concerning the lead author, Dr. Andrew Moore. Many followers of the YDIH publishing saga lament for good reason that the subject has not “gone mainstream.” Which, in the case of this profound hypothesis, would require the…
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New York Times mainstreams Martin Sweatman and Gobekli Tepe as a Time Stamp For Younger Dryas Impact

The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: A Guide for the Perplexed: Marc Young provides a six-part counter-gallop

Younger Dryas Impact Evidence

Lake Tahoe Comet Tsunami

One of the best things about the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis is finding catastrophic features that may date to the event, but have not yet been directly connected with it. Today I submit one of the finest examples: The Great Lake Tahoe Comet Tsunami. Its is a well-published and uncontroversial fact that in the prehistoric peopled past a gargantuan rock shelf on the western shore of Lake Tahoe…
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Comet Research Group kicks off new journal with blockbuster papers

Alpine Younger Dryas Impact evidence

Con Younger Dryas Impact PapersThe Bos & Co

A persistent critic of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis and the Comet Research Group has lately gone quiet on our favorite subject. As the supporting papers and independent confirmations have rolled in, Mark “The Bos” Boslough, is scarcely heard from. His last report even seemed a clumsy attempt to scramble on board with a central conclusion of the hypothesis. In this context, it is…
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#Pebblegate over; Tall el-Hammam paper remains published

Crater Denier

Random Tusks


Update: The #divethenipple team is working through a variety of explanations for the feature. So far, we have not found a “modern” cause.   If you ever suspected something may be wrong with science look no further. In 2012 brave citizen of Miami Cory Boehne noted that just south of the Port of Miami ship channel, less than two miles from downtown Miami Beach in 30′ of water…
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Charles Appleton Day

2021 Tall el-Hammam study makes final Jeopardy! question

Hiawatha Crater

Fourteen months ago the Tusk could not have been happier. Science Magazine not only addressed the Younger Dryas Hypothesis for the first time in a decade, but did so in a lavish, well-written article. The article accompanied the announcement of what seemed could be the long sought ‘smoking gun’ of the YDIH: A massive crater dating to the start of the Younger Dryas. The astounding…
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Hiawatha Crater: still smokin'?

Ancient tree and plant parts found in Greenland's youthful Hiawatha Crater

PodcastRandom Tusks

The Tusk recently appeared as a guest on the UnchartedX YouTube series. It was fun and I have a lot of respect for Ben’s work to publicize the YDIH and the Comet Research Group. But if had to do the podcast over again, I would have made more than a passing reference to an idea of mine. In the podcast, I suggested Joe Rogan question his regular guest Neil DeGrasse Tyson about his thoughts…
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Tusk on Danny Jones Podcast

Tusk Unplugged on DemystifySci

Pro Younger Dryas Impact PapersYounger Dryas Impact Evidence


NY Post Gizmodo Quartz Francis Thackeray This confirmation of a South African platinum layer from the Younger Dryas Impact was particularly welcome for several reasons.  First, it is another confirmation of evidence for  the impact in the Southern Hemisphere, following the Pilauco paper from Chile in March of this year. Second, the lead author, Francis Thackeray, is no light weight, as…
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New York Times mainstreams Martin Sweatman and Gobekli Tepe as a Time Stamp For Younger Dryas Impact

The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: A Guide for the Perplexed: Marc Young provides a six-part counter-gallop

Hiawatha CraterOther Ancient Impacts

Second suspected Greenland crater announced by NASA

Only at the Cosmic Tusk can you expect to see a major global announcement by NASA scooped by six weeks. Thanks to our blog’s most dedicated contributor, Steve Garcia: You heard it here first. See other, non-prescient, contemporaneous coverage here: NBC:  Immense crater may have been found deep under Greenland’s ice sheet PhysOrg: NASA finds possible second impact crater under…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Ancient airburst over Ohio

CatastrophismHiawatha Crater

Another crater?

Longtime Tusk buddy and dedicated Catastrophist Steve Garcia went crater hunting and located IMHO a great candidate for the second crater hinted at by NASA scientist Dr. Joe MacGregor of the Hiawatha Discovery Team. He was thoughtful to send the Tusk the first image below of the suspect dimple beneath a mile of ice. I dug up some others below that. Here is MacGregor’s hint in…
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Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

Ancient airburst over Ohio

Carolina Bays

Saginaw Bay fingered by gravity data as ice impact feature

Wow. The cascade of stupefying new discoveries continues. A paper published today in the Journal of Great Lakes Research provides evidence from gravity anomalies that Saginaw Bay in Michigan is a remnant feature of an impact into an ancient ice sheet. This and the recent discovery of Hiawatha Crater make for an interesting configuration. But gaze below at the monstrous concentric gravity rings…
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Tusk and Co. dig a Carolina Bay

Tusk on the Carolina Bays