CatastrophismPro Younger Dryas Impact PapersYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

In 2009 the newly proposed Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis was knee capped by Surovell et al. To this day, despite a comprehensive 2012 expose of Todd Surovell’s flaws, his premature rejection of the YD impact is uncritically cited by opponents of the evidence and remains the final word in many closed minds. It remains a grudging task of the Comet Research Group to periodically refute his…
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The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis: A Guide for the Perplexed: Marc Young provides a six-part counter-gallop

Scientific Reports: Melted platinum found in Florida swamp marks Younger Dryas cataclysm; Temps reached >3214­°F

CatastrophismOther Ancient Impacts

Ancient airburst over Ohio

Background from Smithsonian Magazine Breakdown from Archeothoughts Erudite Tusk commentor Stuart Hamish below refers accurately to this Neuheuser and Neuheuser paper responding to Tankersley et al., as “hair splitting.” I’d agree. Stuart also includes some juicy tidbits about other modern impacts that are worth sharing. Incidentally, I plan to take Stuart up on his suggestion…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

CatastrophismPopular PressTusk TV

Younger Dryas Impacts gain MORE global attention

Tusk travel buddy from the Egypt 2020 Expedition, Jimmy Corsetti of Bright Insight, appeared last week on The Joe Rogan Experience, the most popular conversation on planet earth. The Younger Dryas Impact was a frequent subject. This single clip was viewed by over 3 million people. Not to be outdone, Comet Research Group resident Neo-Catastrophist astronomer, and popular Scottish author, Dr. Bill…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Video Round-up and the Foxhole

CatastrophismOther Ancient Impacts

The ~335 AD Hopewell Airburst Event in Ohio

Meteorites, silicious vesicular melt glass, Fe and Si-rich magnetic spherules, positive Ir and Pt anomalies, and burned charcoal-rich Hopewell habitation surfaces demonstrate that a cosmic airburst event occurred over the Ohio River valley during the late Holocene. A comet-shaped earthwork was constructed near the airburst epicenter. Twenty-nine radiocarbon ages demonstrate that the event…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

CatastrophismPopular PressYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

Smoking Gun: Fifty years of study by Bill Napier et al. vindicated in new paper

Napier on the Tusk 2010 Napier on The Bos 2013 Tusk Interviews Napier 2015 Napier on Orbital Fragmentation 2019 Daily Mail A comprehensive study of the Taurid meteor stream released last week confirms a central understanding of astronomer Dr. Bill Napier and the Comet Research Group, which was incorporated into the YDI hypothesis from the start in 2007. A large comet has been fragmenting in solar…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Comet Research Group kicks off new journal with blockbuster papers

CatastrophismOther Ancient ImpactsPopular Press

Cosmic airburst of biblical proportions revealed by Comet Research Group

230,000 read actual paper first week Worlds Most Popular science pub? CRG press release The Conversation UC Santa Barbara Daily Mail A few of my photos This is an easy Monday post. The Tusk was a minor co-author of a paper with extraordinary implications for science and faith published today in Nature’s Scientific Reports. The lengthy journal article has been under development since 2014…
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NYT: 6000 word Sunday feature article on the YDI and Comet Research Group

Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

CatastrophismOther Ancient Impacts

The Fall of Phaethon

The Chiemgau impact in Bavarian Germany stands out as a particularly sympathetic “martyr” crater. The evidence for a Bronze Age euro-apocalypse is sincerely published and well established as a legitimate hypothesis based on decades of meticulous fieldwork, but entirely dismissed because the proponents believe the impact was relatively recent in geological terms. The authors don’t…
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Key paper reveals the astonishing cosmic secret behind "Boneyard Alaska"

Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

CatastrophismRandom TusksTusk TV


Tusk video from Tall el-Hammam Ben at UnchartedX continues to produce excellent videos concerning the Younger Dryas Cataclysm and related subjects. Just recently he posted this superbly produced review of religious and mythical information and how it perfectly matches the hard science of impacts. Warning: This stuff is heavy, and as Ben points out, it may offend your spiritual sensibilities to…
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Video Round-up and the Foxhole

Cosmic Summit speaker videos

CatastrophismYounger Dryas Impact Evidence

Book Review: Prehistory Decoded

‘Tour de Force of the Scientific Method’ Dr. Sweatman’s blog Any follower of Catastrophism the last few years has enjoyed extraordinary confirmations of ancient cosmic cataclysm and novel contributions to our way of thinking. To the Tusk, three revelations have characterized the period: The discovery of an impossibly youthful late Pleistocene crater in Greenland; a series of…
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Comet Research Group kicks off new journal with blockbuster papers

Alpine Younger Dryas Impact evidence

CatastrophismHiawatha Crater

Another crater?

Longtime Tusk buddy and dedicated Catastrophist Steve Garcia went crater hunting and located IMHO a great candidate for the second crater hinted at by NASA scientist Dr. Joe MacGregor of the Hiawatha Discovery Team. He was thoughtful to send the Tusk the first image below of the suspect dimple beneath a mile of ice. I dug up some others below that. Here is MacGregor’s hint in…
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Comet Research Group member Marc Young presents at Flinders U

Ancient airburst over Ohio